Tags: soccer , soccer training , Football , soccer drills , Futbol , no limits soccer academy , youth soccer , soccer exercises , soccer practice , soccer coaching , best soccer , soccer moves , soccer passing , Michael Daley , u10 soccer drills , great soccer , Mya Sanchez , Avery Sanchez , Guillermo Ramirez , Braden Herline , Ishaun Basi , youth sports coaching , How to teaching soccer
'Soccer Concept Training Exercises. This is the fifth in our 8 video set with this outstanding group of U10 players. We put these players through the paces with a verity of technical exercises and tactical concept exercises to challenge each of them. In this particular session the young players worked on technical passing with a, vitally important to player development, focus on the general movement required before and after each the pass. \"Details matter when teaching!\" Please enjoy and share! No Limits Soccer Academy: Passing and Moving! Support. Staying in the play. Players: Mya Sanchez (11), Avery Sanchez (9), Braden Herline (9), Ishaun Basi (9), Michael Daley (9) and Guillermo Ramirez (8) Trainer: Dave de Hart Video and Editing: Manpreet Basi July 1, 2016'
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