Tags: Weight loss , fitness tips , fitness motivation , weight loss tips , Group Fitness , Fitness Classes , exercise classes
'#groupfitness #fitnesstips #weightlosstips #birmingham #harborne I have exercised in gyms since late 2005 Consistently as well And I\'ll be honest here Some people take exercise WAY too seriously Now each to their own But like I keep saying There is no happy ending to an unhappy journey The goal of physical activity should NOT be burnout or exhaustion It should be something that makes the rest of your life easier And guess what else makes exercise easier? Working out with friendly people The last thing you want when going to some class is the old \"that\'s my spot\" schtick Honestly, I have heard some stories This is why we decided to be a women-only group that specialises in helping the over 30\'s Because people like you tend to like you And if you can connect with the people around you? You are more likely to keep coming and getting results This is what we should be focusing on Helping you to be consistent and building a healthy routine And this is so much easier when you have some friendly faces welcoming you I know that the first step can be scary But hopefully, we can put you at ease Step one? Let\'s have a friendly and casual chat If we can help, great And never know what new friends you could make So if you are ready? Get in touch with us at https://www.fitbrummiebootcamp.com The Fit Brummie Bootcamp is an exclusive women-only group fitness program based in Birmingham.'
See also: madfit cardio workout , burn , balle , fran , conditioning , back workout , ZUMBA , gym , aerobic , ballet
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