Tags: kiwi design , vr cover fitness interface , facial interface , fitness facial interface set , vr cover fitness facial interface , vr cover facial interface , kiwi design facial interface for oculus quest 2 , kiwi design facial interface , quest 2 facial interface , oculus quest 2 facial interface , facial interface quest 2 , kiwi design fitness facial interface , oculus quest facial interface , best quest 2 facial interface , vr facial interface quest 2 , kiwi facial interface quest 2
'Upgrading the face cover on your Oculus Quest 2 is easy and can help give you a better VR workout. In this video, I review the KIWI design Fitness Facial Interface for the Quest 2. It comes with one sports cover which is breathable and sweatproof. Plus it comes with 2 leather face cushions that provide extra support for extended VR gameplay. Product page: https://amzn.to/3tCtDeJ Contact me: ernestontorres@outlook.com #virtualreality #oculusquest2 #kiwidesign'
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