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'A-Z VR Fitness beginners guide - all you need to know Thanks for watching today\'s video which is all about VR fitness and how Virtual Reality can benefit you in a practical way. This video was missing from the channel so we re-uploaded it as we feel it contents important. A lot of what VR has to offer today in Fitness how exponentially grown over the last few years, and is very exciting. Of course since the recording of the video more VR Fitness apps have come out as well as hardware which you can find online. Other videos you might enjoy: Virtual Desktop Vs Oculus Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T8UENFxSUw&list=PLaiCvhM_u8nPE8PoYX2LmHnaYAothaxyb Oculus Quest App reviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLjSiI9ieq8&list=PLaiCvhM_u8nN7K20o27hNXl07ZRKbYaRU Thanks for watching and supporting the channel, you motivate us to past more cool content on a regular basis. Virtual Reality Institue of Health and Exercise https://vrhealth.institute/ OHSHAPE Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iuKG5RXa5g Exercise report by COLEEN McCLURE, DAMIAN SCHOFIELD: https://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/99841/1/JHSE_15-4_InPress_13.pdf'
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