Tags: how to , fitness , Workout , gym , exercise , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , muscle , Weight Training (Hobby) , build muscle , training , gain muscle , genes , fit , fitness model , Bodybuilder , aesthetics , supplements , Fitness (Magazine) , Bodybuilding (Sport) , bodybuilding genetics , tom neal , muclegenes , Genetic Testing (Diagnostic Test) , gene testing , genetics for bodybuilding
'Fitness Genes are a genetic testing company that take a saliva sample, analyse your DNA and provide recommendations to your training, nutrition and supplementation based on your genotype. This is the next level of fitness optimisation that used to only be available to elite athletes! Go to https://fitnessgenes.com/personal-trainers/tom-neal/?tap_a=5970-634d8d&tap_s=11722-3323b2 to learn more and buy a kit! www.hunterabsmethod.com Online Coaching at www.tomnealfitness.com @tomnealfitness tom@hunterabsmethod.com Intro music by Willy Joy https://soundcloud.com/willyjoy Ending music: Ash O\' Connor - You'
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