Tags: dance fitness , ZUMBA , senior fitness , silversneakers , Zumba Gold , low impact dance fitness , 12 minutes of dance fitness
'Hi Guys, here\'s 4 of Myrna\'s choreo\'s to get you going! Great songs to dance to, plus get you moving for your day. Remember to drink lots of water before, during, and after your workout. If you need to be seated, move your arms, move what you can. Always listen to your body, challenge yourself, but no pain. If you have some pain, try not to aggravate what\'s already going on. Listen to your body. Now Let\'s Dance! See Notices and Disclaimers in our \"About\" section of our channel.'
See also: prot , big butt , exercises , fit girls , training , Fatburner , shoulder workout , Gym music 2021 , ball , kardi
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