Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , loss , weight , body , fat , heart , video , room , Travel , bedroom , hotel , total , bed , rate , Metabolic , BJ Gaddour , follow-along , StreamFIT , heartrate
'http://www.heartratehotel.com If you\'re looking for an equipment-free follow-along workout video you can do within the privacy of your hotel room (or bedroom) simply click the link below or copy and paste it into your browser: http://www.heartratehotel.com This 12-minute workout features one of my favorite fat loss training templates called \"THE METABOLIC MATRIX.\" Here\'s how it works: - Perform 30 seconds of work for each of the following 6 moves with no rest between them: 1- Step-up Variation (L Leg) 2- Step-up Variation (R Leg) 3- Cross-Body Push-up Variation 4- Jump onto Bed Variation 5- Rolling Plank Variation 6- Runners on Bed Variation - Then rest a minute. That\'s 1 cycle. - Perform 3 total cycles for a 12-minute total body workout. The movements get progressively more difficult from cycle to cycle! Simply visit the link below to instantly download this workout video as an mp4 or mov file so you can follow-along and burn well over 100 calories AND boost your metabolism for the rest of the day in just 12 minutes: http://www.heartratehotel.com Here\'s what someone on twitter had to say about this workout: \"Just crushed 3 Metabolic Matrix workouts from @bjgaddour and @StreamFIT. I can hear my fat crying. Oh, wait, that\'s actually me.\" And check out the all-new 12-DVD HeartRate Hotel Travel Fitness Training System featuring 59 hotel room workout videos. It\'s pretty unreal ;) http://www.heartratehotel.com'
See also: waistline , Zumba Gold , beauty , Beginners , best workout music , fitness soccer training , thigh workout , workout for seniors , gl , vr workout games
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