Tags: Weight loss , get fit , get fit at home , kettlebell , kettlebell workout , mbody strength , marcus martinez , [how can I get fit at home] , [strength workout] , oc fitness
'Want even more info? Check out the following: https://instagram.com/kettlebellexercises/ https://www.facebook.com/marcusmartinez http://www.mbodypro.com/blog/ https://ondemand.onnitacademy.com/p/marcus-martinez-channel Looking to get started and make changes NOW? Click here and let\'s make it happen! http://www.mbodypro.com/programs/ http://www.mbodystrength.com/collections/all http://www.MbodyPro.com http://MBodyStrength.com Density rounds. Perform as many circuits in 20 minutes as you can. Start light and then move to heavier bells as needed. Narrow Push up-5 One Arm Swing L-10 One Arm Swing R-10 KB Lunge L-5 KB Lunge R-5 Hip thrust-15 *Perform as many circuits in 20 minutes as you can. Check here for Workout 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6G6NBPiCUY Check here for Workout 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kxWzva6fVs'
See also: Guru Mann Fitness Videos , workout mix , fashion , plyometrics , full body workout , sculpt , ISAZA , new , agirsaglam , shape
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