Tags: front lever progression , planche progression , planche training
'DISCOUNT WORKOUT PLANS ➤ http://www.fitnessfaqs.tv FOLLOW FitnessFAQs: http://www.instagram.com/FitnessFAQs http://facebook.com/FitnessFAQs Calisthenics Programs: http://bodybyrings.com http://planche.pro http://limitlesslegs.com MUSIC: Sevenhundred Beats by duncan_beattie In this video FitnessFAQs describes how to improve your isometric skill. This applies to all calisthenics exercises such as the planche, front lever, back lever, L-sit and much more. Hold the exercise until technical form breakdown and then immediately drop into a lower progression. By doing this intra-set dropset technique you will be able to extend the time of your working set. This technique is a great plateau buster and will increase your capacity for longer duration sets.'
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