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'The Bicycle Crunch combines two separate movements together. One is the movement of your legs, and the other is the crunch itself. Your legs are performing the bicycle movement, and your upper body is completing the crunch. Follow these simple steps to learn how to do a Bicycle Crunch by combining these movements: 1) Lie down on your back on the floor with your legs extended on the floor. The palms of your hands will come to the base of the skull and remain here throughout the exercise. 2) Bring your knees to a tabletop position. This means that both legs are pressed together and bent at the knee so that the shins are perpendicular to the Femur/thigh. 3) When you are ready, brace the core and begin to perform a crunch. As you initiate this movement, simultaneously extend the right leg out. Your right elbow will come across the body to touch the left knee. 4) Once you have touched your right elbow to the left knee, return to the starting position by re-bending the right leg and then extending the left leg, and retracting the right elbow, and bringing the left elbow forwards. You have now learned how to perform the Bicycle Crunch! Keep alternating between touching your right elbow to the left knee and the left elbow to the right knee. Remember that the Bicycle Crunch is one fluid movement, so you are immediately transitioning to the remaining side as you retract from the current one. Read more about the Bicycle Crunch by clicking the link: https://www.yourhousefitness.com/blog/exercise-tutorial-bicycle-crunch'
See also: yan , jen , Most , we , weight loss tips , health fitness , musculation , gyms tulsa , bungie , Lewin
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