Tags: YouTube Capture
'Up to 50% OFF Monkii Bar 2 ↓↓↓↓ https://goo.gl/X2CTsG Fitness Anywhere Friday… Working that CORE, LEGS and BACK I hit a Workout on the Lake Outside in the Sun Today with my Puppies and some Friends. Did three HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Circuits on the House Boat that quickly turned into a major 500+ calorie burner (YES Burpees!). My heart rate was up and my back, chest, shoulders, and core were lit… Just hitting the best workouts to get summer abs! Being on a boat and getting a bikini workout tan is just an added bonus! In this workout we got a leg pump doing lunges, toned the back muscles with monkii bars, and hit that hollow body to get six pack abs. If you\'re like me and enjoy fun different workouts, a fitness tutorial, and exercises that will help you on your road to healthy living, weight loss, and stress relief then this video is for you. I love doing awesome workouts outside that involve minimal equipment (even if it’s forced family fun) and are perfect for busy on the go lifestyles. Summer isn’t over yet, so get outside and enjoy it! Hope you like the video!! :) GET OUT, HAVE FUN, and STAY FIT! Follow ME ↓↓↓↓ http://instagram.com/aprillynngemein.fit https://www.facebook.com/aprillynngemein.fit/ https://www.pinterest.com/APRILLYNNGEMEIN/fitness-anywhere-friday/ Snapchat: aprillynn10 → CONNECT ← Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAeyibCHaCN45jz3Hg1n2SA For Business Inquiries Email: algemein10 [at] gmail [dot] com Creator: April Lynn Gemein Channel: April Lynn (Fitness Anywhere Friday) More about Dan Vinson: http://breakingmuscle.com/coaches/dan-vinson More about David Hunt: https://youtu.be/aQsj_fKvrqA'
See also: vr workout , LifeSpan Fitness , workout mix , bigger butt , rücken , bauchmuskeln , S Works , body building , bungee , wider hips workout
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