Tags: inner thigh , lying leg raise
'Buy Ankle Weights: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/store/fitness-accessories/ankle-weights.html - For a lying leg raise, inner thighs put on your ankle weights and lie down on your right side. Place your right hand under your head, so that your elbow is on the top of your head. Your left hand in front on your chest as a balancing tool; right leg stretched out in the front; with a knee lock and left foot on the back of your right knee. Align your body, create balance and hold. Now lift your right leg up as far as you comfortably can and bring it back without touching the ground (6 inches above the ground). Do a minimum of seven lift on one leg and change sides for an effective lying leg raise, inner thighs.'
See also: mix , 创� �营2019 , 16 , titan fashion , push ups , fitness channel , women fitness , weight , coach , vr
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