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'Fitness Friends Collaboration Workout **Thanks to all of you fitness friends for all of your hard work, motivation, and support! xoxo Julia** By: Julia, Lenula, Kristin, Daniela, and Jori Section 1: HIIT 50:10 2x by Julia 1. overhead curtsy lunge into back lunge + switch 2. 4 alt rows burpee (4 plank and 4 bent over) 3. alt pistols to handstands 4. vertical frog jump into crow pose 5. Twerknados (Millionair Hoy move) Section 2: HIIT 50:10 by Lenula 1. 6 Wall runner mtn climbers + Manmaker 2. Side Lunges & Back Flys 3. Walking Lunge with Overhead Press 4. Dive Bomber to Staggered Push Up 5. Goblet Squat to Curtsy Lunge Reps: 1. Explosive Push-ups – 10 reps 2. Tuck jumps – 5 reps 3. Box Jumps – 5 reps 4. Kickthrough push ups – 10 reps 5. Back Lunge to Pistol Squat – 10 reps per side Section 3: 50:10 x 2 by Kristin 1. Static fwd lunge/glute leg raise rainbows/ front raise (weights in hands by feet for lunge, glute raises, raise up and raise weights up) 2. Goblet Squat Duck walk fwd/back + heel Click 3. V-sit with Shoulder press and bicycle 4. Step Up/ Bicurl /Glute Kickback 5. SL Ninja to Tuck 6. Plank Frog to Plank Pike 7. Hamstring Curls with ball and Skullcrushers Section 4: Pump and Jump Tabata by Daniela 30:5 4x each pair Pair 1: 1. Squats 2. Jump squats Pair 2: 1. bent over rows 2. jerk lunge back rows Pair 3: 1. Bulgarian bicep curl 2. Bulgarian hops Pair 4: 1. Rev lunge + overhead tricep ext 2. Rev. lunge touch down + kick Cardio pyramid Bonus (10/8/6/4/2) 1. Burpee + tuck 2. Star jumps 3. Lizard hops (2=1 rep) Section 5: Upper Body Supersets (2x) by Jori SET #1: Chest Press on Stability Ball 15 reps Alt SL Squat to SL Pike Push-up 16 reps SET #2 Tricep Kickbacks 15 reps Tricep Dips on DB w/Bicep Curl Alt R/L (dip, curl R, dip, curl L) 16 reps SET #3 Bicep Curls 15 reps Bent Over Bicep Curl w/ simultaneous Tricep Kickback 16 reps Lower Body: Each done for 1:30: 1. 5x Bulgarian R + 3x Elv pushups+ 5x Bulgarian L + 3x Elv pushups 2. \"Rockin\" Donkey Kicks: Roll back + donkey kicks. 3. Alt leg lift + pistol+ leg lift 4. Alt Weight Pass Under Rev. Lunge + Pogo Jump up back leg and really thrust knee to work abs'
See also: schnell , S Works , 30 minute workout , fitnessmodel , glute activation , ponte , Freestyle , choreo , booty workout at home , no equipment workout
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