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'Grab those step!! This Step aerobics workout will be intermediate to advanced choreography at 136-138 bpm Fun 00\'s Hip hop and dance tunes will keep you moving a sweating!! Thank you for your Support to keep the workouts coming! Venmo Christina-Dorner Or go to https://www.cdornerfitness.com/support to Help Support our channel! NEED EQUIPMENT? Here is a link to my Amazon Store! All the equipment I use is available HERE! https://www.amazon.com/shop/cdornerfitness Looking for some great workout gear? Checkout https://www.carbon38.com/ USE CODE CHRISTINADORV at checkout for 15% off! FOLLOW ME Website https://www.cdornerfitness.com/ Instagram http://instagram.com/cdornerfitness Facebook http://Facebook.com/CDORNERFITNESS. ( FREE LIVE WORKOUTS DAILY) S U B S C R I B E to my channel so you don\'t miss a workout! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyfg...
See also: workout routine , soccer coaching , disc , po , home gym , back , Freestyle , musculation , summer , dance cardio workout
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