Tags: fitness , crossfit , functional fitness , 2016 , functional , instruction , Affiliates , The CrossFit Games , The CrossFit Journal , forging elite fitness , The Sport of Fitness , CrossFit Affiliates
'Now that the 2016 Fittest on Earth have been crowned, the Update Show crew returns to the desk to share highlights from the men’s competition. They break down the numbers and compare Mat Fraser’s dominant performance to past champions Rich Froning and Ben Smith. They also take a look at other top performers, including Scott Panchik, Björgvin Karl Gudmundsson, Patrick Vellner and Brent Fikowski. CrossFit® - Forging Elite Fitness® (http://crossfit.com) The CrossFit Journal -- (http://journal.crossfit.com) The CrossFit Games -- (http://games.crossfit.com) The CrossFit Games® - The Sport of Fitness™ The Fittest On Earth™'
See also: kids , get fit , mix , health � , female bodybuilder , interval training , motivational , Destiny fashion , hits , chest workout for women
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