Tags: workout for weight loss , cardio and strength workout , weight loss exercises at home , dumbbell workout for beginners , weight loss workout for beginners , weight loss workout for women , at home weight loss workout , senior shape , senior strength workout , workout to loose weight , dumbbell workout for seniors , strength building workout for seniors , weight loss workout for seniors , cardio workout to loose weight , fun workout for weight loss , work out at home for beginners
'Weight Loss workout perfect for beginners and seniors using low impact cardio and dumbbells for strength training. The first half of this fun workout is all low impact cardio to increase the heart rate and burn calories. It\'s easy to follow along and get a great workout! The second half is weight training using dumbbells. I\'m using 10 pounds in this workout. Please use what you are comfortable with and always start lighter if you are unsure. We loose 5 pounds of muscle every decade after 30 years of age. Unless we increase our strength training, that muscle turns into fat. Muscle burns a lot more calories than fat and continues to burn calories long after the workout. Up to 3 days later! Lifting heavier weights is also imperative in maintaining and increasing bone density. This workout includes the best of everything and can be done multiple times a week. It is done all in a standing position and includes a warm up and stretching. Please share if you enjoyed this video, comment and subscribe if you haven’t already. Enjoy and thanks for workout out with me! Products that I use and/or recommend: https://www.amazon.com/shop/seniorshapefitness as an Amazon associate/influencer I earn from qualifying purchases SeniorShape is on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeniorShapefitness/'
See also: oh , Los , KAT , fitness , home , SPORT , glute workout , shredded , seasonal , bigger butt
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