Tags: exercise , movement , crossfit , clean , demo , functional , squat clean , infinity , olympic lifting , THE CLEAN , Weightlighting
'The clean is a pure bit of functionality. The clean is simply pulling a load from the ground to the shoulders where frequently the object is being readied for lifting overhead. With the clean we take ourselves from standing over an object pulling it, to under it and supporting. The clean is a pure bit of functionality. It builds immense strength and power but this is only the more obvious part of the clean’s story. This complex movement actually contains within itself two princely exercises – the deadlift and squat. With the clean we take ourselves from standing over an object pulling it, to under it and supporting.The clean is unique among weight training exercises in that it demands extraordinary athleticism beyond strength and power. CrossFit® - Forging Elite Fitness® (https://www.crossfit.com/)'
See also: guru maan , full body , fitgirl , exerc , K WORKOUT , fitnessfaqs , female motivation , advance , gaming , dance fitness workout
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