'Visit Us Online https://www.SeniorFitnessWithMeredith.com Sign Up for our Newsletter http://www.SeniorFitnessWithMeredith.com/Subscribe Get Your Custom Workout Plan From Meredith! https://www.seniorfitnesswithmeredith.com/product/your-custom-7-day-workout-plan/ Shop https://www.SeniorFitnessWithMeredith.com/shop Donate - Thank You For Your Support! https://www.SeniorFitnessWithMeredith.com/Donate Find Us On Facebook & Pinterest http://www.Facebook.com/SeniorFitnessWithMeredith http://www.Pinterest.com/SeniorFitnessWithMeredith Senior Fitness Podcast With Meredith https://www.seniorfitnesswithmeredith.com/podcasts/ /// In this exercise video Meredith will be guiding you through one of our \"BEST OF\" series workouts featuring a seated resistance bands routine targeting your whole body. This workout is perfect for beginners or anyone looking to get a great full body workout in using resistance bands in a safe and secure manner. Resistance bands are a great way to add strength training to your routines as they help tone and strengthen all muscles involved. As stated this is one of our \"BEST OF\" series workouts which utilize the most efficient and safe movements for either seasoned veterans or those just starting out. As always only do movements that you are comfortable with and that don\'t cause you any pain or discomfort. Remember to keep water close by and take breaks when you need to. Have a great workout! Team Meredith'
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