Tags: fitness , cardio , Weight loss , SPORTS , apple , Train , training , SPORT , Android , iphone , Tablet , bluetooth , Bh , ejercicio , entrenamiento , iPad , perdre , adelgazar , deporte , EJERCICIOS , crosstraining , ellipticals , Motivacional , elíptica , Deportivo , crosstrainers , Elliptiques , BHFITNESS , i.Concept , eliptica bh , smarphone , aparatos gimnasia , maquinas gimnasio , i.Concept i.Concept , monitor motivacional
'*** http://www.bhfitness.com/home-fitness/es/iconcept/1/que-es-i-concept-by-bh-fitness *** - ¿QUÉ ES i.Concept by BH Fitness? Es el desarrollo de BH FITNESS de un nuevo concepto de entrenamiento: 100% interactivo, 100% motivacional, 100% saludable. Gracias a los aparatos de ejercicio i.Concept by BH FITNESS el usuario podrá disfrutar de la fusión de lo mejor de dos mundos: entretenimiento y salud. Por un lado, podrá disfrutar en su dispositivo Android o Apple (iPod touch, iPhone, o iPad) de todo su universo multimedia e Internet mientras realiza ejercicio en la comodidad de su propio hogar. Además, podrá renovar sus ejercicios de entrenamiento cada vez que actualice los Apps de entrenamiento o se descargue otros nuevos. Dispondrá de programas de entrenamientos \"clásicos\" (calentamiento, enfriamiento, colinas y valles, quemagrasa, resistencia, etc), así como de la posibilidad de competir contra la máquina en programas que utilizan el esfuerzo del usuario en el entrenamiento como \"recurso\" para avanzar/competir en el juego, como por ejemplo Run on Earth o Cycle Rush. - Existe una amplia variedad de Apps compatibles. Puede consultarlas en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HktNXl8whKY&rel=0 - Ficha técnica del modelo G2351 NSL12 Dual: http://www.bhfitness.com/home-fitness/es/p/G2351/gd/0/nls12-duall - Ficha técnica del modelo G2350 NSL12: http://www.bhfitness.com/home-fitness/es/p/G2350/gd/0/nls12 -------------ENGLISH--------------- *** http://www.bhfitness.com/home-fitness/en/iconcept/1/que-es-i-concept-by-bh-fitness *** - WHAT IS i.Concept by BH FITNESS? It is the development from BH FITNESS of a new concept in training: 100% interactive, 100% motivational, 100% healthy. Thanks to the i.Concept exercise equipment by BH FITNESS the user can enjoy the fusion of the best of both worlds: entertainment and health. On the one hand, you can enjoy your Android or Apple device (iPod touch, iPhone or iPad) from all of its multimedia universe and Internet while exercising in the comfort of your own home. In addition, you can renew your training exercises each time you update the training Apps or download new ones. There will be \"classic\" training programs (warm-up, cool-down, hills and valleys, fat-burning, endurance, etc.) as well as the possibility to compete online against other users or compete against the machine with programs that use the user\'s effort during training as a \"resource\" to advance/compete in the game, for example, with Run on Earth or Cycle Rush Apps. On the other hand, you can enjoy training on BH FITNESS exercise equipment, owned by EXERCYCLE, S.L., which belongs to the BH Group, created in 1909 and that today is the only company in the world that manufactures fitness equipment for the domestic and professional market. - There is a wide range of compatible Apps. You can check them here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HktNXl8whKY&rel=0 - Techical spec sheet for G2351 NSL12 Dual: http://www.bhfitness.com/home-fitness/en/p/G2351/gd/0/nls12-duall - Techical spec sheet forG2350 NSL12: http://www.bhfitness.com/home-fitness/en/p/G2350/gd/0/nls12'
See also: �best , Der , �butt , Lifestyle , güç ve fitness , Mel , Train , T series Health And Fitness , warlock fashion , destiny shaders
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