Tags: soccer fitness drills , soccer sprinting drills
'Fitness sprints - forward/backward/forward How to set up and run this soccer training session • Place three cones in a straight line with five yards to 10 yards between each cone. • Players should sprint forwards from cone one to two. • Then run backwards from cone two to one. • Finally, sprint forwards from one to three. • Look for how your players keep a lower centre of gravity when changing direction. They must bend their knees to keep balance. • Repeat five times. Rest for 60 seconds between repetitions. Plenty more soccer drills for kids can be found and used by coaches free of charge at www.bettersoccercoaching.com'
See also: legs booty workout , health tips , deadlift , bubble butt , SPORTS , �fitness � , fitness channel , Michelle Lewin Bio , exercise� , co
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