Tags: warm , injury prevention , warming up , how to warm up , fitness start , avoid injuries , how to avoid injuries , why should you warm up , fitness in general , learning what to do before working out , injury deduction , warm up to avoid injuries , proper warm up to avoid injuries , learn how to prevent injuries with a warm up , avoid injuries with a warm up , how not get injured in a workout
'Injuries are a thing that can set us many steps back and put a hold on our fitness journey, sometimes all it takes is one wrong step and pop, there goes the next six months. Warming up plays a huge role in the prevention of injury by making our muscles, joints and tendons more pliable by providing more blood flow to them. Movement prep is another huge aspect when warming up movements it can help you identify any tight areas that should be mobilized prior to performing exercises to ensure that you have equal mobility on either side and aren’t overcompensating by any means! CONNECT WITH US Website: https://www.yourhousefitness.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/yourhousefitness Instagram: http://instagram.com/yourhousefitness Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourhousefit'
See also: personal trainer , gymshark , cycling , ever � , press , sıkılaşma egzersizleri , lower body workout , bodybuilding , dance moves , eminem
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