Tags: tutorial , fitness , muscle , progress , calisthenics , training , bodyweight , explosive , teen , up , AUSTRALIA , king , dip , pull up , Eccentric , fitnessfaqs , Binga
'A1: Explosive Pull-ups - 5x4-6 A2: Straight Bar Dips - 5x6-8 with a 31X1 Tempo B1: Muscle-up Eccentrics - 3 x as slow as possible Hey, guys! Currently doing this Muscle-up workout by FitnessFAQS once per week, focusing on the explosive pull and controlled straight bar dip that make for a clean muscle-up. I can probably do about 2 clean muscle-ups with straight legs right now. Enjoy :) FitnessFAQS Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70y7r0vBddM Music: Rick and Morty - Pickle Rick (Trap Remix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWpmZz28ZOg'
See also: full body , sıkılaşma egzersizleri , oculus quest 2 , weightlifting , health and fitness tips , girls , ketojenik , leg workout , Health , strong
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