'Lying Leg Rotation Stretch - Fitness Republic'

'Lying Leg Rotation Stretch - Fitness Republic'

'Buy Resistance Band Set: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/store/fitness-accessories/resistance-band-set.html - In a lying leg rotation stretch lie down on the yoga mat with and erect torso and long legs with knee locks. Next, pull your right leg up and place a resistance band around it. Grab the band with both hands and get a firm grab; with you right leg knee locked. Make sure your shoulders are on the mat; with your head down. Now move your right leg to the left side with a twist in your torso; making sure that your shoulders are on the mat; press and hold. Now change to the left leg and twist to the right side and back to the starting position. Now, you have completed one lying leg rotation stretch.' 

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