Tags: core , strength , trainer , exercises , training , equipment , home gym , cheap , home exercises , fitness equipment , Physical Exercise (Word) , fitness anywhere , free weight loss programs , gallon water bottle
'Fitness Anywhere - Just a few moves here that demonstrate how you can utilize a gallon bottle of water as a resistance training tool. Further exercises you can do that are not shown would be single leg Romanian dead lifts, squat to 45 degree chop, arm curls and tricep extensions, and much more. All the drills demonstrated can be modified to suit different fitness levels. Sorry about the sound due to the wind. 0:12 Snatch 0:23 Lateral lunge (Goblet) 0:36 Unilateral forward backward lunge 0:48 Clean to hang/lunge 1:06 Goblet Squat Hold 1:26 Single arm bent over row 1:43 Decline single arm/leg chest press 2:01 Recline shoulder press 2:19 Turkish get up 2:54 Plank touches Share This - http://youtu.be/j2rPGfeeAt8 Subscribe for for upcoming videos http://www.youtube.com/c/Optimumhealthandfitness?sub_confirmation=1 Further information - https://optimumhealthandfitness.com Follow me https://twitter.com/Opthealthfit https://www.facebook.com/pages/Optimum-Health-Fitness-Inc/144622652392022'
See also: round booty workout , Geli , senior exercise , indoor , threadsoflight , EJERCICIOS , destiny , bikini body , style , workout at home
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