Tags: yoga pose , Warrior Pose , yoga mat , fitness republic , buy yoga mat
'Buy TPE Yoga Mat: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/store/fitness-accessories/tpe-yoga-mat.html - The Warrior pose is useful for bring length and tension in arms and legs, open and erect chest, flexibility in hips and an extended spine. Standing upright, completely extend out one of your leg and bend your knee; balance with the resistance, rotate your chest so that it\'s parallel to your knee. Now take your hands up to a full extension with your palms facing each other. And hold. Repeat the warrior pose 10-15 times. The only requirement for this exercise will be a yoga mat.'
See also: choreo , BAKAR LEMAK , destiny shaders , fat burning workout , bungie , BH Fitness , trainer , gurumann , sum , �butt
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