Tags: fitness workout , Fitness Training , quarter squat , Rear Foot touch Down , quarter squat workout
'Buy Aerobic Step: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/store/fitness-accessories/aerobic-step.html - Starting a quarter squat and rear foot touchdowns requires you to place your aerobic step on a firm ground and stand in its width; with your core tucked in. Place your hands on your wrist and give bent your left knee in a quarter squat positions. Push your right leg backwards (straight) as far as comfortably possible and off the aerobic step; pull it up towards your hips about 2 feet in the air; and move it to the left side of the aerobic step; pull it back up and into the center position; again pull it up and on the right side. Bring your foot on to the center again; and back on the aerobic step. Remember that the magic of a quarter squat and rear foot touchdown is that your foot should not land on the ground in the rear position.'
See also: fitnes , haul , Bodybuilder , walking. , round butt , Guru Mann , glutes , leg , �bodybuilding , bungee workout
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