Tags: on , plank , leg , prone , ball , stability , abduction , Lateral
'Buy Stability Ball/Exercise Ball: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/store/fitness-accessories/stability-ball-pump.html - For a prone plank and lateral leg abduction on stability ball roll yourself onto a stability ball, using your hands for balancing roll till the point when only your feet are on the ball, your feet should be place together. Keep a tall torso and elbows locked in. Next, with a knee lock, bring 1 leg down from the stability ball, to the side, without touching the ground. Pull the leg back up and push the other leg down and back up. Keep doing to till you have done both legs at least 10 times and your prone plank and lateral leg abduction on stability ball session is done.'
See also: healthy , fat loss , routine , round booty workout , protein , lifespan treadmill , reality , gravity fitness , cardio , breast lift
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