Tags: soccer , soccer fitness , Female Athlete , youth soccer fitness , YOUTH SOCCER PLAYERS , FEMALE SOCCER PLAYER
'It\'s tough out there for a young female athlete. There\'s injuries, gossip, degrading coaches, tight competition, recruiting stress and so much more. In order for a young girl to shine her brightest, it becomes paramount to remember her strengths, calm her internal state and walk onto the pitch with confidence. Coach Shay Haddow provides actionable steps for female soccer players to feel their most empowered on and off the field. Connect with Shay on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alphagirlconfidence/ Follow Shay on Twitter: https://twitter.com/shayhaddow Buy her book She the Confident: https://www.amazon.com/She-Confident-Mindset-Advantage-Athletes/dp/1676894888/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=she+the+confident&qid=1599407181&sr=8-1 MY PROGRAMS AND BOOKS: To work with me online, whether you\'re a player who needs a remote program, or a coach who wants to be mentored, book a call HERE: https://calendly.com/fitsoccerqueen For a year-round speed, strength and conditioning workbook for female soccer players who want to become their strongest selves, get my book, Total Youth Soccer Fitness 365: https://ericasuter.com/total-youth-soccer-fitness-365/ To purchase Soccer Queens Apparel, SHOP HERE: https://ericasuter.com/apparel/'
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