Tags: balance , functional training , coordination , agility , #trustmycoach , coordination exercises , youth soccer , coordination training , coordination drills , improve coordination , YOUTH SOCCER PLAYERS , coordination training for soccer , coordination exercises for soccer , soccer coordination training , soccer coordination exercises , soccer coordination drills , coordination for youth players , functional training for coordination
'Dominate your ball and body control on the pitch! Download your free COORDINATION Workout now! https://trustmycoach.com/yt-wp/soccer-coordination/ Good coordination and control of your body is super important during a soccer game and training - it means stronger skills, better passing techniques, faster change of direction and resilient body-on-body performances. My name is Lucas Kruel and I am a personal trainer of professional soccer players worldwide. Today, I am giving you 6 COORDINATION EXERCISES that you can use to increase your control on the pitch! COORDINATION EXERCISES: These exercises promote balance, agility, coordination and control - the perfect combination when making good play during a game! Focus on creating fluid but controlled movements. This video is ONLY a demonstration of the exercises. Look at my technique, my tips and my positioning so you can effectively execute this training as well. When you are ready to train, download my free PDF workout featuring all of these exercises! Want more control on the pitch? Join my #TRUSTMYCOACH Training Program at www.trustmycoach.com Let’s get better together! #TRUSTMYCOACH Training Program: www.trustmycoach.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trustmycoach/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trustmycoach/ Website: www.trustmycoach.com Coordination Training Blog: https://trustmycoach.com/soccer-fitness/coordination-training/ Free Coordination Workout: https://trustmycoach.com/yt-wp/soccer-coordination/ Before you start: Consult your healthcare professional before beginning any fitness regime. When doing the free #TRUSTMYCOACH Workouts - ensure you warm-up before and train at your own level and comfort. If you feel pain, dizziness or nauseous, stop training immediately.'
See also: Size , Physique , life style , tracy anderson , hip hop , fitness � , gym music mix , motivational video , x fitness , gravity fitness
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