Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , Dance , zumba fitness , zin , LIVE LOVE PARTY , ZUMBA , toning , loose weight , choreography , zumba music , fit dance , zumba toning , fun dance , zumba choreography , zumba song , zumba basic , ズンバ , Sueltala , zumba zin 80 , Sueltala zumba , suelta la zin 80 zumba , suelta la zumba , suelta la cumbia , latino choreography , zumba okinawa , dance fitness tutorial , ズンバフィットネス , 沖縄ズンバ , 琉球ズンバ , ズンバ基礎 , ズンバダンス , ズンバベーシック , ズンバ音楽 , ナッツオーズンバ , NatsO , NatsO Zumba , sushi fit dance
'Hi thank you for checking my youtube channel, please please SUBSCRIBE :) New Song Choreographies are coming more so we can keep dancing together! Sueltala ZUMBA ZIN 80 Toning Choreography / NatsO ZUMBA 105 ZUMBA Instructor (ZIN): Nats Main Students: 20\'s ~ 80\'s http://natsuko777.zumba.com/ http://facebook.com/natsozumba It\'s fun and easy Zumba choreography to practice at home or for your Zumba class! Some choreographies were based on ZIN with few changes and some are truly my personal style. Hope you like it : ) If you can, please come join my Zumba Class!! OR you can do ZUMBA with me on youtube!! You can modify to make it simple if you just started to do ZUMBA, or if you want to dance in full form that would be awesome! We all know that we came from different backgrounds such as sizes, ages and dance fitness levels but when we are sharing this moment together, we are as one! We are all uniquely perfect individuals. As long as you are doing best and enjoying it, that\'s all matter, let\'s keep being fresh and healthy! Thank you for watching/dancing and if you like it please give me thumbs up and please subscribe! こんにちわ、 ズンバがしたい!でもズンバステップがわからない、ズンバベーシックわからない。。。そんな皆さんとYouTubeをとおして一緒にズンバレッスンが出来れば嬉しいです! ズンバインストラクターの方は私のコレオグラフィーをそのまま使っていただくか、アレンジしてご自身のズンバクラスに是非利用していただけると嬉しいです。 サブスクライブもよろしくお願いします! みんなで楽しくズンバをして健康でハッピーになりましょう〜。 ZUMBA Fitness, ZUMBA Music, Zumba Basic, Zumba Choreography, Zumba dance, Zumba Routines, Exercise, Weight Loss, Dance fit, Dance Choreography! Zumba Choreography, ZUMBA ZIN, ZUMBA MEGA MIX, MEGA MIX, Sueltala Zumba Fitness Toning'
See also: 30min , kardi , energie , MICHELLE LEWIN , mann , hızlı yağ yak , TWITTER , faceless fashion , motivation music , bubble butt
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