Tags: strength training , push , technique , strength training for women , weight training for women , jerk , Push Jerk , weightlifting for women , EZIA Human Performance , ezia , push jerk technique , push jerk how-to , olymic weightlifing , push jerk exercise , push jerk workout
'http://www.eziacoach.com/ Start -- Rack the bar on the shoulders with hands just outside shoulder width, elbows up with feet hip width apart. Action -- Initiate the movement of the bar upwards by dipping the hips and jumping quickly to give the bar momentum. Finish -- Shuffle the feet out to shoulder width as the bar is received overhead with elbows locked out http://www.eziacoach.com/'
See also: grow booty , langsing , aer , canlı spor , glutes workout , tracy anderson , antrenman , boobs , soccer technical training , hip hop dance
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