Tags: soccer training , soccer training for beginners , soccer fitness workout , Beginner soccer workout , soccer workout for beginners , soccer workout to get in shape , soccer fitnes
'Complete Beginner Soccer Workout - Get In Shape and Get In The Game - Renegade Soccer Training In this video, we go over a complete beginner soccer workout that any soccer player in their early stages can do. The workout is designed to workout the entire body and essentially get the player in shape. Do this circuit 3 days a week. Perform 1 set of each exercise in succession. Each station lasts 60 seconds. Do as many reps as you can (with perfect form) in that time. Give yourself 30 seconds to move between stations and rest for 2 minutes after you\'ve completed 1 circuit of all 8 exercises. Then repeat twice. If you cannot go the entire minute, rest a few seconds and then resume until your time at that station is up. Use a weight that is challenging for 15 to 20 reps. A full explanation of how to do each beginner soccer exercise is listed on our YouTube Channel by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfxRQw-dPYI&list=PLeyGU6ZjI9r3J9_OrKJevs7fmbgbVCHzn Learn more about our complete home soccer training system \"Total Control Series\" http://www.renegadesoccertraining.com/total-control-series Improve your game in only 15 minutes: http://www.renegadesoccertraining.com/2000touchburstworkoutyt Want More Material and Resources? Visit Our Site: http://www.renegadesoccertraining.com Here is a recap of this beginner soccer workout circuit: 00:38 - Dumbbell Rows 02:08 - Goblet Squat 03:38 - Push Ups 05:08 - Circle Lunge 07:38 - Dumbbell Curl and Press 09:08 - Jump and Stick 11:38 - Dumbbell Raises 13:08 - 4 Step Squat Repeat twice with a 2 minute break after each circuit. ====================================== **Click Below To SUBSCRIBE for More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGP1Tzkhn7JIG370xc6roeQ?sub_confirmation=1&feature=iv&src_vid=aM48a3EZBHw&annotation_id=annotation_978540373 ====================================== Coach JR Renegade Soccer Training http://www.renegadesoccertraining.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Renegade-Soccer-Training-RST-589699421118203/ Get Your Free 2000+ Touch Burst Workout: http://www.renegadesoccertraining.com/2000touchburstworkoutyt ====================================== Complete Beginner Soccer Workout - Get In Shape and Get In The Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX8owGT5DSQ&feature=youtu.be'
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