Tags: dead , With , bug , ball , stability
'Buy Stability Ball with Pump: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/store/fitness-accessories/stability-ball-pump.html - For a dead bug with stability ball routine, lie down with your knees up and stretch out your hands in front of you; with palms facing each other. Pull your legs up; with knee bend; pressing your pelvis and abs. Create pressure and hold. Place a stability ball in between your hands and legs. Next, open your right leg forward and move your left hand backwards straight over your head; and balance the ball with your left knee and right elbow; pull both of them back in. Next, extend your right leg forward and straighten your right hand upwards; holding the stability ball with the right knee and right elbow; for completing a dead bug with stability ball routine.'
See also: dua , T series Health And Fitness , hav , Fitness Training , con , les , TV , sixpack , training music , lose
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